Monday, February 16, 2009

And Satan trembles when he sees, The weakest saint upon his knees. --William Cowper (1731-1800)

I woke this morning to find that once again my throat is filling up with phlegm from infection. That means the remicade i take for crohns only works for the crohns in my throat about 1 in a half weeks. I've been coughing through the night so i am not sleeping well again. I do not want to take my sleeping pills because it makes me so crabby with my kids.

I have one more week till i see my gastroenterologist. I am desperate for answers. I do not want to go back to feeling the way i did during Christmas. It was almost unbearable.

I have been amazed although I'm not sure why how God has gotten me through this time. I spend unsleepable nights in prayer to him about friends and people I've never met on flickr. I talk to him through the day about pain. And his scripture gives my life meaning. How do people make it through this life without Him? They don't.

1 comment:

  1. I do so hope that you will feel better soon, dear friend and have good news.
    All my strongest prayers and warmest thoughts go out to you sweet Katherine...
    Also hope that your darling daughter is better this day.
